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Liu Siyu think themselves to learn later, Tian Yong could not carry out the burberry outlet work in the village, wanted an opportunity to push FORCES. Well you, also spoke in front of me is not so agile, is not faith, but I ? Su Xiangdong can not help but laugh. Su Shuji, you know the situation toms sale the village, with only three deputy mayor, they do have very, very much, I think it is not to give cheap toms with a mayor assistant, to help me work. Liu Siyu careful probing road. Su Xiangdong pondered a moment, change this year Heihe village, but that is very gratifying, and all this can be said in front ofcontributed, besides listening to the tone of Deng deputy secretary, Liu Siyu have somebody behind this support, Deng is deputy Party secretary, Liu Siyu also particularly optimistic about this, if he shows himself to good, maybe even for the progress of next year 's Tim dotted.

Liu Xiangzhang, do you have the right person, you can recommend to the organization thing. Su Xiangdong Liu Siyu would like to think since the show is good, just put this favor to give Liu Siyu Moreover, the head of Black River Township mu tea garden project, he is still the leading group yet. Su Xiangdong Liu Siyu heard this one, said he adjusted his thinking in his heart, said: Su Shuji, that would venture to recommend the toms shoes sale cheap toms cheap toms Xiangdangzhengban of HU Da think is a good candidate for director, he has always been hard work, ideological consciousness is high, he himself is a member of the township party, cheap toms personally think that he was fit to serve as assistant to the mayor, of course, obey cheap toms Su Shuji and organizational decisions.

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