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com until the early hours of the next day, the situation began to improve, finally sit safely rest for a few hours. But for the magician, the few hours of meditation can already let ray bans online restore some spiritual force, and sufficient comparable to a night 's rest. So the next morning, when the two men recover from meditation, and without the slightest fatigue but is as lively as ever. Pick up a good thing, they once again headed off to find Molang king.does not tell ray ban sunglasses specific whereabouts Molang king, wild clatter tribal herders usually dare depth of this place, so it does not know the location of Molang king, the only certain that Molang king must be in this band grasslands.

Is a long time in the past, in addition to the ordinary amount Molang headed outside, without the slightest shadow of Garnett, Mo Fan gradually no patience. Cat, do not worry, there are two days of it. Avril softly comfort.given period is three days, and now has passed the whole day, the third day at noon if you can not take the king's magic nucleus Molang return, then ray ban australia trials even when the failure to accept the punishment. In fact, what 's actually trivial punishment, but the first real test of the subject on the finish, it makes my heart feel good Mo Fan.

As four of Warcraft,ray ban sunglasses, Mo where it is to build a killing one, after all, kill four of Warcraft likely to get magic nucleus, but this thing is very valuable, especially the double Molang Warcraft has two attributes such in vivo condensed into like magic nucleus has two properties, to get it on the market price of comparable even with high levels of two stones, and such magic nuclei are rare, compared with the huge population magician who can be regarded as a scarce. So when the next day, when the sun goes down, the addition of Mo Fan 's pocket ten magic nucleus, but the two-headed king Molang still missing.

